Sunday, 15 April 2007

The young people of today think of nothing but themselves.Th y have no reverance for parents or old age.They are impatient of all restraint.They talk as if they alone know everything."These words were written many years ago.Are they true today?

Teenager's behaviours have always been a very discussed issue since long ago.However hard the sociologists try to resolve this mystery,the same problems persist.why would people make that statement?perhaps we teenagers just had too much to express.We become impatient with people who work things out step by step.Some also view elderlys as the burden of the society.We seems, apparently ,to be at the frontier of the time always,assuming that we know everything.Perhaps these are just the adults' perception and only explanation to our undesirable behaviours.
Three decades ago,in the more developed countries,teenagers listen to radios,follow the Beatles fever,joined the student rally as if it's part of their assessment.Graffti on walls everywhere without the permission of the owner but just pure pleasure.Today,we see many fan of all over the world converging for a rock concert,Graffti still appear on the walls eventhough fines were imposed but with better tools,concepts and higher creativity.Sometimes it even could be classified as art piece.The youth park at Orchard Road would be an example.Perhaps one of your school teacher or neighbour happended to be the lucky one who did the similar things in the past.
Teens today are subjected to even greater amount of information from sifferent sources such as TV,internet,magazines.As compared to the past 10 to 20 years,the exposure to the happenings for the world is a lot easier.Teens are good at adaption of new ideas,products and changes.They talk as if they know everything because they feel lik eexpeesing themselves as soon as possible,This form of ignorance and arrongance develop in teens of different time background.
Teens nowadays seem to be less reverance for parents and elderlys.They always trusted their friends more than their kins for this stage of life.They feel greetings and basic courtesy troublesome.Maybe saying "yoz"is more cool and comprehensive in their idealogy.However,this has not changed much for years.As our society progresses,the accelerating pace of life makes people communicate lesser.This eventually promoted the use of short acronymes.When the youngsters pick up the habit of speaking that way,this trend will continue as more new terms are added frenquntly.They become less willin gto speak to the adults.
It is obviously the social status of teens to have these behavior.and passing it on to the next decade.In another word,what we see today came from the past.Thus the statement holds to be true,at least for this decade long of time.